
Some Cats Will Eat Cake Even Though They Can’t Taste Sugar
Some cats will eat cake for a variety of reasons, just not because they have a sweet tooth.

How Many Domestic Cats are There in the World?
Researchers estimate there are between 600 and 750 million cats worldwide.

Why Do Cats Knead?
Kneading is a common behavior in domestic cats where they alternately push and pull their front paws in a relaxed manner.

What are Tabby Cats?
Tabbies, often known as tabby cats, are domestic cats with a unique coat pattern.

Bodega Cats of NYC
Bodega cats are found in many local delis across New York City and are used to help control rodents.

Role of Cats in Medieval Manuscripts
In medieval Europe, scribes often included cats in the margins and drawings of manuscripts.

Eating Chocolate is Bad for Cats
While chocolate may be a sweet delight for humans to eat, chocolate can be toxic to cats.

Why Do Some Cats Love Catnip?
Catnip is a popular herb that some cats respond enthusiastically to.

Why Some Cats Avoid the Litter Box
There can be a range of reasons why your cat has decided to reject their litter box ranging from behavioral issues to a health problem.

15 Interesting Facts about Ragdoll Cats
Ragdoll cats have a docile and affectionate nature that makes them one of the most popular cat breeds.