How Many Cat Breeds are There?

Caitlin Dempsey


A color drawing from the 19th century of a fully white cat licking a cat's head against a red drape. A third cat sits behind the all white cat.

A purebred cat is a cat whose parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so forth, have all been the same breed of cat.

Purebreds can be categorized into different breeds of cat. The number of cat breeds in the world varies, depending on the cat organization certifying the breed.

A cat that has mixed ancestry is known as either a domestic short-haired and domestic long-haired cat depending on the length of the cat’s fur.

Cat Organizations that Recognize Cat Breeds

In the United States, the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) recognizes 45 breeds of cats, of which 42 are eligible to compete. The Khao Manee, Lykoi, and Toybob are accepted by CFA as breeds but are still working towards full eligibility.

The International Cat Association (TICA) recognizes 73 breeds of cats.

Table: List of Cat Breeds

Listed here are cat breeds registered with two of the largest and most recognizable cat breeds (there are other cat breed registries).

Columns noted as CFA indicates that the cat is a listed breed with the Cat Fanciers’ Association and TICA indicates the cat is listed as a breed with The International Cat Association.

BreedLocation of originCoat lengthCFATICA
AbyssinianUnspecified, but somewhere in Afro-Asia likely EthiopiaShortCFATICA
American BobtailUnited StatesShort/longCFATICA
American CurlUnited StatesShort/longCFATICA
American RingtailUnited StatesSemi-long
American ShorthairUnited StatesShortCFATICA
American WirehairUnited StatesShortCFATICA
Arabian Mauthe Arabian PeninsulaShort
AsianDeveloped in United Kingdom;foundation stock from AsiaShort
Asian Semi-longhairUnited KingdomSemi-long
Australian MistAustraliaShortTICA
BalineseDeveloped in United States;foundation stock from ThailandLongCFATICA
BambinoUnited StatesRex
BengalDeveloped in United States,but created in AsiaShortCFATICA
BirmanDeveloped in France;foundation stock from Burma (Myanmar)LongCFATICA
BombayUnited States and Burma (Myanmar)ShortCFATICA
Brazilian ShorthairBrazilShort
British LonghairUnited Kingdom (England)Semi-longTICA
British ShorthairUnited Kingdom (England)ShortCFATICA
BurmeseBurma (Myanmar)ShortCFATICA
BurmillaUnited Kingdom (England)Short/longCFATICA
California SpangledUnited StatesShort
Chantilly-TiffanyUnited StatesLong
ChausieUnited StatesShortTICA
Colorpoint ShorthairEngland, United KingdomShortCFA
Cornish RexCornwall, England, United KingdomShortCFATICA
Cymric, Manx Longhair or Long-haired Manxthe Isle of Man, United States, and Canada LongTICA
Devon RexBuckfastleigh, Devon, England, United KingdomShortCFATICA
Donskoy orDon SphynxRussiaHairless
Dragon Li orChinese Li HuaChinaShort
DwelfUnited StatesHairless
Egyptian MauEgyptShortCFATICA
European BurmeseShortCFA
European ShorthairContinental EuropeShort
Exotic ShorthairUnited StatesShort/longCFATICA
German RexGermanyRex
Havana BrownUnited Kingdom (England);foundation stock from ThailandShortCFATICA
HighlanderUnited StatesShort/longTICA*
Himalayan or Colorpoint PersianUnited States and United KingdomLongTICA
Japanese BobtailJapan[d]Short/longCFATICA
Javanese or Colorpoint LonghairDeveloped in United States and Canada;foundation stock from Southeast AsiaLong
Khao ManeeThailandShortCFATICA
KinkalowUnited StatesShort
Korean BobtailKoreaShort/long
Korn JaThailandShort
Kurilian Bobtail orKuril Islands Bobtaileastern Russia and JapanShort/longTICA
LambkinUnited StatesRex
LaPermUnited StatesShort/longCFATICA
LykoiUnited StatesShortCFATICA
Maine CoonUnited StatesLongCFATICA
Manxthe Isle of ManShort/longCFATICA
Mekong BobtailRussiaShort
MinskinUnited StatesHairless
NapoleonUnited StatesShort/long
MunchkinUnited StatesShort/longTICA
NebelungUnited StatesSemi-longTICA
Norwegian Forest CatNorwayLongCFATICA
OcicatUnited StatesShortCFATICA
Ojos AzulesUnited StatesShort
Oregon Rex(extinct)United StatesRex
Oriental BicolorDeveloped in United States and United Kingdom, later in Continental Europe;foundation stock ultimately from ThailandShort
OrientalDeveloped in United States and United Kingdom;foundation stock ultimately from ThailandShort/longCFATICA
PersianGreater IranLongCFATICA
PeterbaldRussiaHairless, velour, brush, or straight coatTICA
Pixie-bobUnited StatesShortTICA
RagamuffinUnited StatesLongCFA
RagdollUnited StatesLongCFA
RaasRaas Island, IndonesiaShortTICA
Russian BlueRussiaShortCFATICA
Russian White, Russian Black and Russian TabbyDeveloped in Australia;foundation stock from RussiaShort
Sam SawetThailandShort
SavannahUnited StatesShortTICA
Scottish FoldUnited Kingdom (Scotland)Short/longCFATICA
Scottish StraightLongTICA
Selkirk RexUnited States in 1988Short/longCFATICA
SerengetiUnited StatesShortTICA*
Serrade PetitFranceShort
SiameseFoundation stock from ThailandShortCFATICA
SiberianRussia, UkraineLongCFATICA
SingapuraDeveloped in United States;foundation stock from SingaporeShortCFATICA
SnowshoeUnited StatesShortTICA
SomaliUnited States, CanadaLongCFATICA
SphynxCanada, EuropeHairlessCFATICA
Tennessee RexLongTICA+
Thai orTraditional, Classic, or Old-style Siamese; Wichien MaatThailandShortTICA
Thai Lilac, Thai Blue Point and Thai Lilac PointThailandShort
TonkineseCanada, United StatesShortCFATICA
ToygerUnited StatesShortTICA
Turkish AngoraTurkeyLongCFATICA
Turkish VanDeveloped in United Kingdom (England);foundation stock from TurkeyLongCFATICA
Turkish VankedisiTurkeyLong
Ukrainian LevkoyUkraineHairless
York ChocolateNew York, United StatesLong
*Listed as an Advanced New Breeds with TICA. +Listed as a Preliminary New Breeds with TICA

This article was originally written on November 8, 2021 and has since been updated.

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About the author
Caitlin Dempsey
A lifelong cat owner, Caitlin currently has three rescue cats: an orange tabby, a gray tabby, and a black cat. An avid researcher of feline topics, Caitlin holds both a master's in Geography from UCLA and a Master of Library and Information Science.