Cat Behavior
This category of articles focuses on exploring the fascinating world of cat behavior.
From understanding why cats knead to decoding their body language, these articles delve into the many quirks and characteristics that make our feline friends so unique.
With insights from experts in the field, readers can gain a deeper understanding of their cat’s behavior and learn practical tips for how to improve their relationship with their furry companion.

Grief in Domestic Cats: Do They Mourn the Loss of Other Pets?
Cats may show grief-like behaviors after losing a companion, like eating and playing less, and seeking more attention from their human caregivers.

How Far Do Cats Roam?
A small study into the roaming behavior of stray cats in protected areas of Spain revealed that cats in wetland environments tended to cover greater distances than those in farmland settings.

Why Can Some Cats Open Doors?
Cats are extremely intelligent, and the most perceptive cats can learn to open doors simply by watching their owners.

Study: Link Between Anxiety and Bonding With Cats
A study by researchers from the University of Helsinki surveyed pets owners to understand the link between mental health and types of pet relationships.

How Do Cats Learn to Play Fetch?
A study found that most cats who play fetch are self taught.

Cats have more facial expressions than we give them credit for
Researchers analyzing cat interactions in a cat cafe have found that cats can make 276 different types of facial expressions.

Study: Purring and Eating Sounds Don’t Relieve Stress in Cats
Listening to the sound of cats purring and eating doesn't reduce stress in cats.

Kittens Are Able to Figure Out Which Plate Has More Food
From a young age, domestic cats naturally know how to judge and pick between different amounts of cat food.

If Cats are Independent, Why Do They Form Bonds?
Despite their independent reputation, cats do form close bonds with humans and other cats.

Why Do Cats Sleep With Their Tongues Out?
Snooze time is when some cats blep. Deep sleep can cause your cat's jaw to relax, allowing their tongue to stick out.

Some Cats Will Eat Cake Even Though They Can’t Taste Sugar
Some cats will eat cake for a variety of reasons, just not because they have a sweet tooth.