
Keeping Cats Safe Around Windows and Balconies
While cats are skilled at landing on their feet, they can still get hurt if they fall from a great height.

Does the Fur Color of Cats Have Anything to do With Their Personalities?
Are orange tabbies really more affectionate that other cats? Research into the link between a cat's fur coat color and personality is mixed.

What are Blue Cats?
The Russian Blue, British Blue, Korat, and Chartreux are cat breeds known for their gray-blue coats.

Why Do Cats Sleep With Their Tongues Out?
Snooze time is when some cats blep. Deep sleep can cause your cat's jaw to relax, allowing their tongue to stick out.

Why Black Cats are Voids
It's easy for black cats to blend in with their dark surroundings and become "voids".

Cute Cat Slang Words and Phrases to Know
Learn some of the more popular cat slang being used.

Places in the United States Named After Cats
There are quite a few geographic features in the United States named after cats.

Cross-eyed Siamese Cats
The same genes responsible for the colorpoint coat pattern in Siamese can also lead to a cross-eyed condition.

Blue-eyed Cats
Some adult cats, like siamese, have blue eyes due to a lack of pigmentation. All kittens are born with blue eyes.

How Many Cat Breeds are There?
Purebred cats are those cats whose lineage is from the same breed of cat.