If you have a pet cat, you may have noticed that cats love to be up high. Heights provide cats with an optimal vantage point and can make them feel safe from other animals or people in the house. Whether it’s a cat tree or furniture, cats will take advantage of vertical space.
Cats have a flexible musculoskeletal system that allows them to jump high while remaining coordinated and balanced. Strong back leg and back muscles, a flexible spine, and a long tail for balance all work together to help your cat jump.
Watch a cat nimbly jump on to a ledge without wobbling and you will see evidence of this system at work.

How cats jump
Cats can jump from a sitting position or from a running position. A 1981 study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology looked at the biomechanics of how cats jump.
The study found that when a cat jumps, they first prepare by positioning their body and building up speed and momentum. Then, in a quick and powerful motion lasting about 150 milliseconds, the cat pushes off the ground using their hind legs in a consistent pattern. During the jump, the muscles closer to the cat’s body activate first, followed by the muscles farther down the legs. This combination of physiological responses ensures that the cat has a strong and coordinated leap.
How high can cats jump?
Cats that jumping from a running position will be able to jump higher than from a sitting position. The average cat can jump 5-6 times their length depending on their body strength. For a larger cat, this means a cat can jump over 8 feet. An average sized cat can jump around five feet from a vertical position (without running).

What is the world record for a cat’s Jjump?
The longest horizontal length that a cat has been recording as jumping was set by Waffle the Warrior Cat, a gray tabby. Waffle set the Guinness world record for the longest cat jump by leaping213.36 centimeters (7 feet) on January 30, 2018 at Big Sur in California
Can all cats jump?
Most cats, unless elderly or otherwise at less than optimal health, can jump. How high or well those cats jump depends on a breed and body composition of the cat. A study published in 2002 in the Journal Experimental Biology found that a cat’s jumping speed was significantly influenced by the length of their hind legs and the amount of body fat, but not by the amount of muscle or the type of muscle fibers. More body fat reduces the proportion of muscle, requiring more muscle work to increase the cat’s upward motion during a jump.
Not all cats like to jump
That said, not all cats are prone to jumping.
I have a fenced in cat patio and two of my cats are perfectly happy lounging around in the sun and have never tried to jump the fence. My third cat, is constantly testing the cat proofing on our six-foot high fences to try and find a way out.
Make jumping indoors safe for your cat
If you have a cat that loves to jump, be sure to make your cat’s indoor space safe and engaging. Secure items like vases and photo frames that sit on top of mantles, tables, and other furniture. Otherwise your leaping cat make knock them off and break them.

If you have any wobbly furniture, make sure to anchor it to the way so it doesn’t topple over.
You can help satisfy your cat’s need to be up high by providing him or her with a cat tree. Having a high space to be is important, especially if you have other pets or small children in the house. Cats need a safe space to retreat to that’s up and out of the way.
Can cats jump fences?
If you provide an enclosed outdoor space for your cat, make sure there aren’t any access points that your cat can jump to or over. Despite have a height of less than a foot, a cat can easily jump a six foot fence. The taller the cat, the higher they can jump. For example, if you have a large cat, an eight foot fence could also be jumped.
Trees also are easily climbed by cats. Cats have sharp claws that also help them climb even higher than they can jump.
Harris, M. A., & Steudel, K. (2002). The relationship between maximum jumping performance and hind limb morphology/physiology in domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 205(24), 3877-3889. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.205.24.3877
Zajac, F. E., Zomlefer, M. R., & Levine, W. S. (1981). Hindlimb muscular activity, kinetics and kinematics of cats jumping to their maximum achievable heights. Journal of Experimental Biology, 91(1), 73-86. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.91.1.73.
This article was first published on August 8, 2021 and has since been updated.