October is here, and the spookiest time of the year is just around the corner. Yes, Halloween is upon us, and it’s not just for humans anymore. If you’re a cat parent, this is the perfect occasion to involve your feline friend in all the ghostly fun. Find some amazing picks below to make your Halloween celebration the cat’s meow.
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Easy clip on bat wings for cats
Most cats hate wearing costumes but attachable bat wings are a simple and cheap way to show off your cat’s Halloween spirit. While the look is most seamless on a black cat, cats with other coat colors can pull off this winged costume.

These batwings wings come with a comfy, adjustable harness that ensures your cat can move freely without any fuss. There is also a metal ring at the back for attaching a leash.
Cat witch hat costume
Another simply costume idea is this witches hat and cape. The hat has an adjustable strap you can tighten to fit the hat securely on to the head of your cat. Both the collar and cape are black and adorned with purple. The cape is short and won’t be a tripping hazard for your cat and they walk.

Since the costume comes in two separate parts you can easily leave off either the collar or the hat depending on what your cat will tolerate. Since the hat and cape both have strings, make sure you monitor your cat while they are wearing the costume to preventing any choking situation.
Cat Halloween sweaters
These Halloween themed sweaters are great if you have a cat that will tolerate a full body costume or is a hairless or nearly hairless cat breed like the Lykoi and needs a little warmth.

Halloween themed scratching house
Halloween themed cardboard house and scratching pad combos are both practical and decorative. All three of my cats really love these style of temporary scratching pads. When your cat isn’t busy sharpening their claws on the cardboard scratching pad, it doubles as a nice sleeping spot. You can add catnip or silver vine to the cardboard scratching pad to encourage your cat to use it.

When Halloween is over, it’s easy to dissemble the house and toss the cardboard insert and place any clean pieces into your recycling bin.
Halloween themed cat toys
Stuff ghost toys
If your cat loves to grab their toys and kick them, these ghost themed small stuffed toys make an excellent spooky addition to your cat’s toy collection. Each toy ghost has two sides: one side displays an innocent, cute expression, while the opposite side shows a Halloween-themed demon face.

Crinkle Halloween toys
Crinkle toys mimic the high pitched sounds of rodents. So if your cat loves to chase toys, then this Halloween crinkle, rattle and catnip toy set is purr-fect. The set contains two toys — one crinkle fish skeleton and one rattle bat. Each has a pouch where you can add catnip or silver vine to make the toys even more attractive to your pet.
Halloween wand cat toys
If your cat prefers to chase after dangling objects, these fun Halloween themed cat wands are fun. The set of three has a hanging skeleton, ghost, and Jack o’lantern. They make a fun and spooky addition to any cat’s toy collection.
The wand is made of wood and there is a bell attached to each one to get your cats attention.
Happy haunting!