All year round, there are quite a few days where you can celebrate the fabulousness that cats are.
Some of the more well-known ones include International Cat Day on August 8th, National Cat Day on October 29th, and World Cat Day on February 17th. These days are a great opportunity for cat lovers to show their appreciation for their feline friends and raise awareness about the important role that cats play in our lives.
Saturdays: Caturday
Saturdays have long be declared as the day to share all things cat on social media. People often post their pictures and videos on social media platforms with the hashtag #caturday. Caturday is a mashup between cat and Saturday. Caturday is believed to have started in 2005.
Wednesdays: Mlemsday
Each Wednesday is Mlemsday, a day to celebrate on social media the derpiness that is cats. Using the hashtag #mlemsday, people can post their finest photos of cats with their tongues in mid action, whether it’s a blep or a mlem.

February 17: World Cat Day
World Cat Day is a day that is dedicated to celebrating the domestic cat and raising awareness about the important role that cats play in our lives. It is typically celebrated on February 17th.
April 6: National Siamese Cat Day
April 6th is the day to celebrate Siamese cats. For some trivia: all Siamese cats have the fur pattern known as colorpoint. Colorpoint fur is heat sensitive which is why the extremities such as the face and paws are darker than the body of a Siamese cat.

August 8: International Cat Day
The eighth of August is designated each year as International Cat Day. The International Fund for Animal Welfare founded it in 2002 as a day dedicated to educating people about cats and how to care for and safeguard them.
This day is a great opportunity for cat lovers to show their appreciation for their feline friends and to learn more about how to properly care for and protect cats. Some people celebrate International Cat Day by doing something special for their own cat, such as giving them extra treats or toys, or by volunteering at a local animal shelter to help care for cats in need.
August 17: Black Cat Appreciation Day
Shortly after International Cat Day is Black Cat Appreciation Day which is celebrated on August 17 each year.
Black cats have not always been treated kindly over the centuries and Black Cat Appreciation Day is a special day to show love for the furry void, aka black cat, in your life.

September 1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
Calling all orange tabbies! September 1 is the day to spend an extra little bit of time appreciating these ginger, or orange, cats.
Here’s an extra bit of trivia: did you know that all orange cats are tabbies? There is no such thing as a solid orange color cat.