Cat Behavior
This category of articles focuses on exploring the fascinating world of cat behavior.
From understanding why cats knead to decoding their body language, these articles delve into the many quirks and characteristics that make our feline friends so unique.
With insights from experts in the field, readers can gain a deeper understanding of their cat’s behavior and learn practical tips for how to improve their relationship with their furry companion.

Match Your Cat’s Toys to Their Prey Preference
One of the ways to figure out what kind of cat toys your cat likes is to figure out their prey preference and find toys that mimic that.

Paw Preference in Cats
Cats tend to prefer using either their left or right paw when reaching for things.

What is the Difference Between Mlem and Blep in Cats?
Both actions involve cats with their tongues out so it's understandable that people might be confused: what is the difference between a mlem and a blep?

How to Manage a Multi Cat Household
Follow these tips to best manage a multi cat household.

Why Some Cats are Obsessed with Olives
Some cats are attracted to a chemical compound in olives that is similar to catnip.

What a Cat’s Slow Blink Means
One way cats express their affection and trust is by slow blinking.

Why Do Cats Like to be Near You?
Here are some of the reasons why your cat likes to be near you.

Do Cats Understand Pointing?
While it's not an instinctive trait, cats can learn to look where a human is pointing.

Nose Sniffing by Cats
Cats who are on friendly terms will sniff noses as a way of greeting each other.

Why Cats are Drawn to the Person Who Ignores Them
Cats like to approach humans on their own terms for affection.