Cats Use Sounds to Track Where You are in the House
Cats can form mental maps of where their owners are in the house based on sounds.
When Did Cats Become Indoor Pets?
Nowadays, cats are indoor pets for most pet owners in the United States.
The American Lion
The American Lion was the largest cat to roam North America during the Pleistocene.
Facts About Feral and Stray Cats
Stray and feral cats are free-roaming domestic cats that have no owners.
Why Do Adult Cats Only Meow to People?
Meowing is a way that cats communicate with humans.
Why are Garlic and Onions Bad for Cats?
Even small amounts of garlic and onion can be toxic to cats.
How Thai People Felt About Cats in the 19th Century
19th century Thai culture believed that different cats, as well as other animals, could have different effects on their owners.
Cheetah Claws Don’t Fully Retract
Besides the cheetah, only three other cats are known to have semi-retractable claws.
How Well Can Cats Smell?
Cats have a keen sense of smell that they use to hunt, determine enemies, and find mates.